Blogs from Glasgow 2019

In March 2019, the International Forum travelled to Glasgow where we focused on learning how to involve, inspire and innovate across borders and organisations.

Alongside listening to the podcasts from Glasgow, read more about what has been discussed in our blogs below.

Patient empowerment, co-production and leadership

There are many different frameworks for quality improvement. However, one core principle common to them all is the idea that patients have a significant role to play in shaping and monitoring improvements.

Here we discuss a few of the talks from the International Forum in Glasgow (March 2019) which gave examples of how patients contribute to improving the services they use.

Uniting staff across an organisation to create change

For any quality improvement programme to be successful, there needs to be ‘buy-in’ from all staff involved. Several of the talks at the International Forum in Glasgow this March touched on different ways that this enthusiasm can be generated and cultivated at all levels in an organisation.

Healthcare beyond the hospital

Improving the quality of life for patients isn’t just about maximising their outcomes when they become ill. It is important to also look at how healthcare can reach beyond the hospital, into local communities, and work with other organisations invested in people’s wellbeing.

Read a summary of a few of the talks from the International Forum in Glasgow (March 2019) which touched upon this theme.